Recognizing Fear Avoidance Behavior
Info, , Back Pain, Chronic Pain, Exercises, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Neck Care Tip, Pain Management, Sports and Spinal News, ThoughtsFear avoidance behaviors causes people to exaggerate the sensation of pain, which can be problematic as it leads to...
Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
Info, , Exercises, Healthy Living, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Sports and Spinal News, Women's HealthDiscover the causes and types of urinary & fecal incontinence and learn how pelvic floor physiotherapy can help to...
The Best Exercises to Relieve Low Back Pain
Info, , Back Care Tips, Back Pain, Exercises, Healthy Living, Pain Management, Sports and Spinal NewsTry out these effective exercises and stretches to help relieve back pain, a common condition experienced by 80% of...
Learn about the common running injuries experienced by all types of runners, and how physiotherapy can treat them
Written by Czarina Mangubat Our daily routine often consists of using our shoulder joint, a major joint and arguably...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a strong band of tissue that runs diagonally in the middle of the knee...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a strong band of tissue that runs diagonally in the middle of the knee...
Migraines and Tension Headaches: The Office Work-Delaying Injuries
Angel, , Headaches & Migraine, Pain ManagementSince the pandemic hit, the switch from office space to the confines of a room at home has led...
Computers, whether they may be PCs, laptops, or tablets, are already a staple of our everyday lives. Even before...
Men’s Pelvic Health: Signs that your pelvic floor is too tense and exercises to help relax them
Info, , Healthy Living, Men's Health, Pelvic Floor ExercisesWHAT IS THE PELVIC FLOOR? The pelvic floor has a group of muscles that runs from the pubic bone...