Women’s Health Physiotherapy: Pre-Natal Programme

Pre-natal physiotherapy and care available at Prohealth Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Centres in Makati Metro Manila

Pregnancy greatly affects women’s bodies. These changes can affect a woman’s movement and quality of life. Some would prefer to ease up on their physical activity, while others would prefer to continue their active lifestyle without affecting their pregnancy.

Our specialized physiotherapists can guide women with their pregnancy while recuperating from the normal physical changes associated with it such as, urinary incontinence (stress and urge), overactive bladder, and pelvic pain.

Our physiotherapists will conduct a thorough functional assessment and develop a personalised program to guide you through your pregnancy safely.


As part of the treatment, a personalised exercise programme and advice will be made to help ease the physical changes you encounter.




  • Lumbar and pelvic stability assessment
  • Pelvic assessment
  • Postural assessment
  • Exercise and lifestyle advice during pregnancy

Need Help? Book An Appointment Today!

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact us at +63 (02) 793 8762 or email appt@sportsandspinal.ph.


Contact Details:

Telephone:+632 8 633 6410

WhatsApp: 956 914 8260

Email: appt@sportsandspinal.ph

©2024 Prohealth Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Centres Philippines | Part of the Prohealth Asia Healthcare Centres

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